Sunday, November 7, 2010

Earl of Bothwell and the Sticky Situation

After Lord Darnley's death, I had one more husband; his name was James Hepburn, the 4th earl of Bothwell. I married him under Protestant customs.  Wasn't it ironic? 

Lord Darnley

Honestly, I thought that my nobles supported my marriage, but I was wrong. They raised an army against Bothwell and me! Later on, Earl of Bothwell and I met the nobles on Carberry Hill; they wanted me to separate from him, and sadly, I agreed to this. I sincerely hoped that they would keep their promise to me. However, the Scottish nobles went against their word and put me in Loch Leven Castle, imprisoning me there.  What went wrong? Did I miss something? 

Loch Leven Castle
I found that by being married to Earl of Bothwell was my biggest mistake; I learned this the harsh way.

When I was at Edinburgh, the mob wanted me to die; they yelled and jeered me! I became really scared...

To be "safe", I was forced to go back to Loch Leven Castle, and at the castle,  I miscarried Bothwell's twins.

Meanwhile, Bothwell, escaped to Norway to seek refuge. Unfortunately, he was captured by the King of Denmark and held captive until his death. He died "insanely".

Overall, I didn't know many people disapproved of my marriage to Earl of Bothwell, and I especially didn't know I had many enemies. If I had known this earlier, I would have prevented this situation from the beginning and saved myself from this pain and misery.

Image and Video Sources: Wikipedia, YouTube,